You Are the Inspiration for Our Next Chapter
Last November, I had the privilege of joining board member Marta Tellado―the chief executive officer of Consumer Reports and a 1981 alumna of The Washington Center (TWC)―in hosting members of the TWC community in New York, N.Y. At the reception, we heard from the Honorable Michael Balboni, who serves on my Council of Advisors and is a 1980 alum. A few months later, many of those guests joined us at TWC Headquarters in Washington, D.C., for our 45th birthday toast, the first of a series of anniversary events we had planned. The attendees at both events ranged from interns whose TWC experiences happened last year to liaisons who have worked with us for more than three decades. Little did we know how much the world would transform as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold just a few weeks later. Throughout the past months, I have found myself returning to those rooms in New York and Washington―and to you, our alumni, liaisons, and partners. I remembered how deeply grateful I felt for your affection for your TWC experiences and your dedication to our mission. As the COVID-19 pandemic prompted us to reinvent the way we deliver our programs, I recalled your enthusiasm and the impact each of you are having on the world. Those memories left me feeling convinced that our work here at TWC is more relevant than ever. In the post-pandemic environment, our country and world will need more resilient, nimble, and creative leaders like you. At TWC, we remain committed to our mission to provide dynamic campus-to-career experiences for the young people who will step up to take these critical roles alongside you. As our global economy slowly recovers, these young people will need scholarships to attend TWC. Providing access and opportunity for as many of these students as possible, regardless of their financial situation, will be among our top priorities. We know that our organization will look differently in its next 45 years, and we are counting on you to shape this future. Indeed, we have already transformed―you need only look at our 2020 summer academic internship program, which became the largest virtual internship program in the United States. The support of longtime partners, donors, and alumni like you was critical to our ability to stand up such a successful program on short notice and to make it accessible to more than 550 students. Please join us in celebrating TWC’s successes from 2019 as you read through this report. Afterward, we invite you to take a trip down memory lane with us on our special 45th anniversary website, which features highlights from our history and information about our Anniversary Fund. Thank you, as always, for your partnership and support.

Christopher Norton President