2021 Financials
The Washington Center is an independent, not-for-profit organization. We are dedicated stewards of the financial responsibilities entrusted to us by our partners, donors and other affiliated benefactors.
TWC places the highest emphasis on funding our transformational programming, keeping administrative and operational costs at reasonable levels in order to empower our students with career-defining opportunities.

“After hearing from the professionals at this seminar, everything seems more possible now. As long as I’m true to my vision, I can create a career path that fits.”
Jordan Brown, National Security Seminar participant
The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. Grants and contributions made to TWC are tax deductible to the extent permissible under federal law. Financial statements are audited annually. Completed audited financial statements are available here.