IG Live
IG Live, or Instagram Live, is the best way to share content in real-time! When you start a live video, all your followers will receive a notification that you are live and can join you to view your stream, comment or chat.
Top Three Tips:
- Use sparingly
- Use for big announcements, Q&A or real-time engagement
- Promote an IG Live session via stories and encourage people to join! Adapt and curate your lives to feature content that your audience is interested in based on engagement with the live itself, and the pre-promotion.
When To Use This Feature:
- Organic Content
- Time Sensitive, Big Announcement, Live Engagement
- Engage Followers/Build Brand Identity
Examples & Data:
- TWC & UNH Information Session: UNH hosted in person, broadcasted it via IG Live, and saved it as a post. The IG live and post have reached 120 views thus far.
- IDP Coffee Session: Coffee sessions are a new Live venture for IDP India as they continue to create useful but more informal/organic content for their followers. In this example, the IDP India team promoted the Live session on stories by asking for students to submit the questions they wanted answered and then during the coffee chat, the experts responded to inquiries. With 4,155 views it was a very popular session!